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The Square Magazine - June 2017

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  • Product Code: LM-SQU062017

Freemasonry and the J.S.M. Ward Society
Warren Pilkington presents a new society dedicated to the memory of a oncefamous Mason.

The Treasures of English Freemasonry 1717-2017
Richard Gan is editor of the beautiful new book produced to celebrate the Tercentenary in 300 objects (well, not quite 300!).

Some Thoughts on the Origins, Ritual and Practices in Freemasonry
Anthony Sheppardson makes it clear that our ritual did not come down intact from heaven.

Making a Masonic Mark
Marios Stylianides introduces us to a new lodge for Greek Cypriots in London.

Maltese Masonry
Roy Martin introduces us to Masonry on this Mediterranean island.

A Masonic Wedding
Roy Martin continues his presentation of Maltese Masons by reporting a most unusual event - a Masonic wedding.

Rhode Island Craft Freemasonry and Sectarianism
Shai Afsai reports on the efforts of the Rhode Island Reform Jewish congregation to form a Masonic lodge.

A Personal Account of Masonic Charity
Alessandro Ruzzi reports on the varied response of Freemasons to his need for support.

The Masonic Philatelic Club.
Ken Elston again reports on the fascinating hobby of collecting Masonic stamps.

Aleister Crowley - the Wickedest Man in the World - a Freemason!
Mike Karn introduces us to the man who was, reputedly, the embodiment of evil.

Landmarks and Old Charges
Dan Doron tries to clear up for us what a landmark actually is.

Ashlar Chippings
Hugh O'Neill's usual roundup of the wonderful and wacky.

The Grand Lodge of Stockport
David Harrison introduces us to an English Grand Lodge that most have never heard of.

Perfect Master - 5th Degree of the Rose Croix
Yasha Beresiner describes another degree close to his heart.

Celebrations 100 Years Ago
Allan de Lucca looks back to the last centenary celebrations - the bi-centenary.

An Inquiry into the Accusations of Luciferianism Which Affronts Freemasons
Benjamin Williams gives us the run down on all the various (nefarious?) accusations that we are linked with the devil.

Goodbye to the Underwater Polymath
We bid arrivederci to Leo Zanelli, our longest serving editor, who has passed to the Grand Lodge above.
Freemasons of Armenia
Juan Augusto Adajian reports on the development of Freemasonry in this unfamiliar part of the world.

The Great Eastern Railway and Freemasonry
Peter Walker presents the interaction between the railways and Freemasonry and a very special hotel.

Masons at War
Jean Yves Legouas reflects on the influence and actions of Freemasons in war.

Desaguliers, Science and the Founding of Premier Grand Lodge
Charles Lawrence joins the growing throng who say that our celebrations for the tercentenary are all a bit premature.

Letters to the Editor
Our usual collection of the happy, the grieved and those looking for a bit of promotion. If you do or don't agree with something in the magazine please feel free to let us know. Names can be withheld.

The International Order of the Rainbow
The Scottish Rite Masonic museum and library feature this organisation created for the daughters of Masons.

Book Reviews
New books by Fabio Venzi and by Michael Schiavello are reviewed.

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