Masonic Regalia

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Craft Provincial Steward

England Regalia - Craft Provincial Steward
Standard Stewards Apron with Rosettes - English Constitution

E.C. Stewards rosettes apronStandardLambine frontWith rosettesWith pocketSize: 16″ × 18″Apron as per the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Lodge of E..


Finest Stewards Apron with Rosettes - English Constitution

E.C. Stewards rosettes apronFinestLambskin frontWith rosettesWith pocketSize: Size: 14″ × 16″Apron as per the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Lodge..


Stewards Apron Badge - English Constitution

E.C. Stewards badgeHand EmbroideredWith provinceApron as per the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Lodge of EnglandPlease provide province name. 2/3 ..


Standard Stewards Apron with Levels - English Constitution

E.C. Stewards levels apronStandardLambine frontWith levelsWith pocketSize: 16″ × 18″Apron as per the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Lodge of Engla..


Finest Stewards Apron with Levels - English Constitution

E.C. Stewards levels apronFinestLambskin frontWith levelsWith pocketSize: 14″ × 16″Apron as per the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Lodge of Englan..


Provincial Stewards Apron with Badge - English Constitution

E.C. Stewards provincial apron with badgeFinest (lambskin) or standard (lambine)With levels or rosettesEmbroidered province badgeWith pocketSize: 16″ ..


Provincial Steward Acting Rank Collar - English Constitution

E.C. Stewards acting rank collarCrimson collarCollar as per the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Lodge of EnglandDisclaimer: Please note that while ..


Provincial Steward Past Rank Collar - English Constitution

E.C. Stewards past rank collarCrimson collarWith silver wireCollar as per the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Lodge of EnglandDisclaimer: Please no..


Stewards Past Rank Collar and Jewel - English Constitution Stewards Past Rank Collar and Jewel - English Constitution

E.C. Stewards past rank collar and jewel setCrimson collar with silver wireSilver plated collar jewelCollar and jewel as per the Constitution and Laws..


Provincial & District Steward Gauntlets - English Constitution

E.C. Stewards gauntlets with badgeMaterial lined Masonic gauntlets2 embroidered province badgesGauntlet as per the Constitution and Laws of the Grand ..


Provincial Stewards Past Rank Complete Set - English Constitution Provincial Stewards Past Rank Complete Set - English Constitution

E.C. Stewards past rank complete setThe set includes:Standard (lambine) apron with embroidered province badge and pocket (Size: 16″ × 18″)Apron BadgeC..


District Steward Past Rank Collar Jewel - English Constitution

District Steward Collar JewelPast RankOrder Code ECPS06Please Provide District Name2/3 Weeks Delivery ..


Provincial Steward Collar Jewel - Past Rank - English Constitution

Provincial Steward Collar JewelPast RankOrder Code ECPS05Please Provide Province Name. 2/3 Weeks Delivery..


Showing 1 to 13 of 13 (1 Pages)